Background: Evidence based planning has been the hallmark of the blindness con trol programme in India. A nationwide survey was undertaken in 1999-2001 to doc ument the magnitude and causes of blindness. Methods: One district each in 15 po pulous states was covered. 25 clusters were randomly selected in each district and all individuals aged 50 years and above were enumerated. Presenting and best corrected vision was recorded using retroilluminated logMAR tumbling E charts an d detailed eye examination was offered. Results: The response rate was 89.3%. P resenting vision <6/60, in the better eye, was observed in 8.5%(95%CI: 8.1 to 8.9). Age, sex, residence, literacy, and working status were associated with bli ndness. The highest risk was among those aged 70+and the illiterate. Cataract w as responsible for 62.4%of bilateral blindness. Prevalence of cataract blindnes s was 5.3%(95%CI: 4.97 to 5.62). Reduction in blindness prevalence among peopl e aged 50 years and above was observed compared to earlier studies. Conclusion: Blindness control efforts seem to have played a part in arresting the increasing prevalence of blindness in India and there is hope that the goals of the “Visi on 2020-right to sight”initiative can be achieved if there is strong political will and prioritised action.
Background: Evidence based planning has been the hallmark of the blindness con trol program in India. A nationwide survey was undertaken in 1999-2001 to doc ument the magnitude and causes of blindness. Methods: One district each in 15 po pulous states was covered. 25 clusters were randomly selected in each district and all individuals aged 50 years and above were enumerated. Presenting and best corrected vision was was recorded using retroilluminated log MAR Tumbling E charts an d detailed eye examination was offered. Results: The response rate was 89.3%. P Resenting vision <6/60, in the better eye, was observed in 8.5% (95% CI: 8.1 to 8.9). Age, sex, residence, literacy, and working status were associated with bli ndness. The highest risk was among those aged 70 + and the illiterate. Cataract w as responsible for 62.4% of bilateral blindness. Prevalence of cataract blindnes was was 5.3% (95% CI: 4.97 to 5.62). Reduction in blindness prevalence among peopl e aged 50 years and above was observed co mpared to earlier studies. Conclusion: Blindness control efforts seem to have played a part in arresting the increasing prevalence of blindness in India and there is hope that the goals of the “Visi on 2020-right to sight” initiative can be achieved if there is strong political will and prioritized action.