云南省档案馆编社会科学文献出版社2伽3年9月出版ISBN 978-7-5097-4740-7本套书主要精选了云南省档案馆所藏民国时期云南省政府及各行政专员公署、县政府、设治局、殖边局、行政委员的年度和专项工作计划、工作报告、调查报告,各级党政军机关官员往米信函,云南全省及各县(局)人口、田赋粮食调查统计,民俗、宗教调查,
Yunnan Provincial Archives compiled by the Social Science Documentation Publishing House 2 September 3 ISBN 978-7-5097-4740-7 This book is a collection of Yunnan Provincial Archives mainly collected during the Republic of China Yunnan Provincial Government and the Office of the Commissioner , The annual and special work plans, work reports and investigation reports of the county government, bureau of governance, border control bureau and administrative commission, the officials of party, government and military organs at all levels and all over the country to counties, counties (prefectures) Food survey statistics, folklore, religious investigation,