空间太阳望远镜(SST)直接对日成像,其1 m口径的主反射镜(MOT)接收到的上千瓦热量将严重影响望远镜的成像质量,因此必须进行热控设计以确保SST的性能。首先讨论了SST主镜筒内的热状况,分析了对日观测时主镜筒内的热流分布情况;然后根据SST轨道参数计算望远镜的空间轨道外热流状况;在此基础上提出了相应的热控措施,并使用热分析软件Sinda/G与Nevada计算了SST主镜筒温度分布;最后计算了SST主镜相应的热变形,对主镜镜面热变形采用Zernike多项式拟合,热变形精度小于λ/40(λ=633 nm),确保SST获取0.1″~0.15″的高分辨率成像目标,验证了SST主镜筒热控设计的有效性。
Direct imaging of the Sun by the Space Solar Telescope (SST), the kilowatts of heat received by its 1 m Primary Mirror (MOT) will seriously affect telescope imaging quality and thermal control must be designed to ensure SST performance. Firstly, the thermal condition in the main tube of SST was discussed, and the distribution of heat flux in the main tube during the observation of Japan was analyzed. Then, the heat flux of space telescope was calculated based on the parameters of SST orbitals. On the basis of this, The temperature distribution of the SST main tube was calculated by Sinda / G and Nevada. Finally, the corresponding thermal deformation of the SST was calculated. The thermal deformation of the mirror was simulated by Zernike polynomial. The thermal deformation accuracy was less than λ / 40 (λ = 633 nm) to ensure that SST can acquire high resolution imaging targets from 0.1 “to 0.15”, which verifies the effectiveness of SST main barrel thermal design.