木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia L.)系木麻黄科,木麻黄属的常绿速生树种。原产澳大利亚东北部、北部及太平洋各岛靠近海的沙滩和沙丘上。引入我国广东、台湾和厦门等沿海地区栽培,已有70余年的历史。木麻黄为常绿乔木,树干通直,抗风力强,性耐盐碱,能在沙质海堤或重粘涂土上生长,其种子在含盐量0.88%的粘涂土上仍可顺利发芽生长,选作浙南新围涂地营造防护林,是一种理想树种。现将该树的主要特性及林带的防护效果分析如下,以供参改。一、主要特性1.生长快。木麻黄生长速度快,十年生
Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) Department of Casuarina, Casuarina the evergreen fast-growing species. Native to the northeastern and northern parts of Australia and islands on the Pacific Ocean near the beaches and sand dunes. The introduction of China’s Guangdong, Taiwan and Xiamen coastal cultivation, has more than 70 years of history. Casuarina is an evergreen tree with straight stems, strong wind resistance, salinity tolerance, and can grow on sandy seawall or heavy-glued soil. Its seeds can still be smoothly applied on the clay with a salt content of 0.88% Sprout growth, selected as the southern Zhejiang Wai Wai to create protective shelter, is an ideal species. Now the main characteristics of the tree and the protective effect of the forest as follows, for the reference. First, the main features 1. Grow fast. Casuarina grow fast, ten-year-old