The periodontium of 88 patients diagnosed asdiabetes mellitus was examined, 68 cases beingcomplicated with periodontal disease, consisting ofgingivitis 17 (19.32%), periodontitis 38 (42.18%)and periodontal atrophy 13 (14.77%) . The inci-dence of diabetic periodontal disease was 76.27%. Sex distribution, Male>female. We have found a statistically significant cor-relation between the duration of diabetes mellitusand the incidence of periodontal disease; the longer
The periodontium of 88 patients diagnosed asdiabetes mellitus was examined, 68 cases beingcomplicated with periodontal disease, consisting ofgingivitis 17 (19.32%), periodontitis 38 (42.18%)and periodontal atrophy 13 (14.77%). The inci-dence of diabetic periodontal disease was 76.27%. Sex distribution, Male>female. We have found a significant ly significant cor-relation between the duration of diabetes mellitusand the incidence of periodontal disease; the longer