
来源 :通俗歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangxiaohui
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莫扎特作为音乐史上罕见的天才作曲家,在短暂的一生,给世人留下了数量惊人的各类音乐作品,几乎涵盖了所有的体裁形式。而且无论哪种体裁他都能熟练驾驭,张弛有度,不愧是实至名归。作为最后一部个歌剧作品,《魔笛》堪称伟大而具有开创性。该剧的音乐文本是采用德文演绎的,充分而又具体地将德意志民族所独有的朴素自然、纯美良善的品格展露出来,并与音乐结合完美,不仅振兴了德国歌剧,还开辟了之后的发展方向,对其后的创作产生了极其重要的影响。 As a rare genius composer in the history of music, Mozart left a staggering variety of musical compositions in the short span of life, covering almost all genres. And no matter what genre he can skilled control, relaxation degree, is indeed deserved. As the last piece of opera, “Magic Flute” called great and groundbreaking. The play’s musical texts are interpreted in German. They fully and concretely expose the simple, natural and pure virtues of the German nation and perfect the combination with the music. It not only reinvigorated the German operas but also opened up After the development of the direction of the subsequent creation had a very important impact.