Using 78% water-soluble polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) at the concentration of 20%, the main varieties of Heilongjiang Province were anti-line number, Heihe No., Heinong No., Suinong No., Hefeng No., Materials for germination drought identification, and investigate and calculate the relative germination rate. The results showed that the drought tolerant cultivars were Heihe 53, Hefeng 45, Hefeng 48, Suinong 22 and Suinong 30, and those resistant to drought were resistant to Line 7, Heihe 46, Heihe 52, Heinong 53, Heinong 62, Heinong 65, Long Xiaogu 1, Long Xiaogu 2, Hefeng 47, Kentou 25, Kenou 26, Suinong 10, Suinong 15, Suinong 28, Kenfeng 10, Kenfeng 11, Kenfeng 13, Ken Feng 17.