The Taihangshan piedmont fault is located in the transition zone between the Taihang Mountains and the North China Plain and is an important tectonic zone in North China and the eastern part of China. The activities of the fault zone are as follows: 1) It is a deep fault zone; 2) It is an active Fault zone and seismic zone; 3) it is not an earthquake zone. . In order to study and evaluate the activity of the fault, we have studied the deep tectonic setting of the Taihangshan piedmont fault and the characteristics of the activity since the Quaternary by using the recently acquired seismic data and the united drilling profile. Drilling verification and research results show that the Taihangshan piedmont fault was not a deep lithospheric fault, and the fault did not break the QP2 during the Middle Pleistocene in the Quaternary. In the mid-late QP2 and Late Pleistocene strata, no fault occurred. It is concluded that the Taihangshan piedmont fault is neither an active fault nor a deep lithospheric fault. The results of this study provide important geophysical and geophysical data for the planning and construction of cities across the Taihangshan piedmont fault, and are of great significance to the seismic risk assessment of the metropolitan area.