
来源 :中国水电医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flapme
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中暑是由于在高温高湿环境下,人体内产热和吸收热量超过散热,下丘脑体温调节中枢紊乱而致的一种急性热病。通过对我院新生军训期间中暑的预防和救护,使发病率下降或病症减轻,体会到做好预防措施是至关重要的。 Heat stroke is due to high temperature and humidity in the environment, the body heat and heat absorbed more than heat, the hypothalamus central nervous system disorders caused by an acute fever. Through the prevention and treatment of heat stroke during the new military training in our hospital, so that the incidence rate decreased or alleviate the illness, realize that preventive measures are essential.