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起居注的撰写者中国封建王朝的皇帝,被尊之为天子,总揽着政治、军事、经济大权,他每天的一言一行,甚至私人生活,都似乎与江山社稷有关,因而必须记录下来。这种由专职人员为皇帝代为记载的日记,称之为起居注。在周代,就已设立左史、右史,“动则左史记之,言则右史记之”(《札记》)。据《隋书》的说法,现存的《穆天子传》,就是当时史官代笔的周穆王的起居注,因为两者体例基本相同。《隋书经籍志》载有汉武帝的《禁中起居注》;还有后 The writer of the living note The emperor of China's feudal dynasty, honored as the emperor, always holds the political, military and economic power. His everyday words and deeds, and even his private life, seem to have something to do with his countrymen and must therefore be recorded. This by the full-time staff for the emperor diaries, known as the living Note. In the Zhou Dynasty, we have set up the history of the leftist and the rightist. “Movement of the leftist historians and words of the rightist historians” (“Notes”) have been established. According to “Sui Shu”, the extant “Biography of Emperor Mu Tianzi” is the living note of the then emperor Zhou Mu of the then official because the two are basically the same. “Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi” contains Emperor Wu's “Forbidden Note”; there after
(接上期)在上一期的《7时代来临》一文中,笔者介绍了Windows 7 64bit操作系统在电脑音频方面的无限潜能。我们构建一套完整的64位电脑音频系统,有了64位的操作系统,就好像一
佛衣不燃北魏文成帝时,疏勒王遣使送释迦牟尼佛袈裟,长二丈余。帝以审是佛衣,应有灵异。遂烧之以验虚实,置于猛火之上,经月不燃,观者莫不惊骇,心形惧肃。 Buddha unburned N
血栓心脉宁胶囊具有开窍醒神 ,活血化瘀作用 ,适用于脑血栓、冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 ,心绞痛等症。服后致消化道毒性反应少见 ,作者遇到 1例 ,现报告如下。患者 ,男 ,74岁
美拉托宁 (MT)是松果腺分泌的主要激素 ,对机体有着广泛的影响。它对神经系统的保护作用逐渐受到重视。本文着重综述MT神经系统保护作用的机制 ,及其对神经系统疾病的防治。
The environmental problem caused by refrigerant has become the focus all over the world.As the most typical natural refrigerant,CO2,of course,becomes the resear
测定软膏中达克罗宁的含量。方法 :采用二阶导数光谱法 ,以 2 83.4nm(谷 )处的半振幅为定量依据 ,消除软膏中其它成分测定的干扰。结果 :平均回收率为 97.85 %。结论 :对 6批
When China's ancient scientific and technological achieve-ments are mentioned, the nation will generally refer to the Four GreatInventions. The four symbolic cr
目的 探讨不同类型乳腺增生性疾病患者的心理健康状况.方法 应用HP Agilent IMAGE POINTHX彩超仪,诊断和区分单纯性乳腺增生症(研究1组)、乳腺囊性增生病(研究2组)和健康妇女
罗氏公司生产的口服神经氨酸苷酶抑制剂奥塞米韦 ( oseltamivir,Tamiflu)已获准在其第二个市场美国上市 ,用于治疗无并发症的甲型或乙型流感持续 2 d左右的成人患者。美国的
目的 :观察盐酸纳洛酮的抗休克疗效。方法 :对 40例休克患者给予纳洛酮 0 .8~ 1.2mg静注 ,必要时可于 10min后重复一次 ,及开始治疗后 5 0min时第 3次重复给药。结果 :在综合