Experimental Evidence for Hyperfiltration of Saline Water through Compacted Clay Aquitard in the Heb

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhou20p
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It becomes an increasing concern that groundwater quality in exploited deep confined aquifer may deteriorate due to brackish water leakage from its overlying saline aquifer in Hebei Plain. However, the monitoring data show that the TDS does not significantly change in the exploited aquifer. Some physics or chemistry processes must have taken place in aquitards during brackish leakage. The semi-permeable membrane function of clay aquitard during the process of hyperfiltration(reverse osmosis) should be one of the most important processes. To confirm and test this hyperfiltration mechanism, a series of experiments were performed in which Na Cl solutions were hydraulically forced through different clay sampled from aquitard. The solution 7 g/L in NaC l was forced through at 20 °C by a fluid pressure of 0.5 kN. The results show that hyperfiltration indeed happens in caly aquitard. Semi-permeability is quantified by the reflection coefficient σ. The mean rejection coefficients(σ) for clay samples #1, #2 and #3 were estimated to be 0.063, 0.164 and 0.040, respectively. This behavior of clay was well explained with the theory of the diffuse double layer. The hyperfiltration effect is to the great extent responsible for the chemical process in the aquitard. It becomes an increasing concern that groundwater quality in exploited deep confined aquifer may deteriorate due to brackish water leakage from its overlying saline aquifer in Hebei Plain. However, the monitoring data show that the TDS does not significantly change in the exploited aquifer. chemistry processes must have taken place in aquitards during brackish leakage. The semi-permeable membrane function of clay aquitard during the process of hyperfiltration (reverse osmosis) should be one of the most important processes. To confirm and test this hyperfiltration mechanism, a series of Experiments were performed in which Na Cl solutions were hydraulically forced through different clay sampled from aquitard. The results show that hyperfiltration indeed just happens. The solution 7 g / L in NaC l was forced through at 20 ° C by a fluid pressure of 0.5 kN. Semi-permeability is quantified by the reflection coefficient σ. The mean rejection coefficients (σ) for cla y samples # 1, # 2 and # 3 were estimated to be 0.063, 0.164 and 0.040, respectively. This behavior of clay was well explained with the theory of the diffuse double layer. The hyperfiltration effect is to the great extent responsible for the chemical process in the aquitard.
不谋万事者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域。——[清]陈澹然《寤言二迁都建藩议》 Do not make all things, lack of time; do not seek the overall situation, inadeq
事故过程2004年10月26日凌晨1时20分,重庆永川洗选厂精煤皮带司机罗辅菊按照往常的习惯,从机头往下巡视检查运行中的皮带机,当行至皮带机走廊一半的时候,与上去 Accident pr