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我们研究并设计了一种新型空间平板网架结构。摒弃了传统的以钢管或型钢为材料的方法,采用装配整体式钢筋混凝土构件;打破了传统的平面静定桁架交叉组成网架体系的概念,采用了超静定空腹刚架交叉组成平板网格体系的新概念;在制造方面,采用预制厂制造小拼装单元,现场采用预应力或非预应应力拼装的新工艺,为结构标准化、定型化、厂工化提供了良好的保证。这种新型结构,还具有许多特点:造价经济,除用钢量减少外,更重要的是用普通钢筋代替价格较高的钢管与型钢;不管网架是正交正放还是正交斜放,现场拼装只有两根杆相连,使安装工序大为简化;无斜腹杆,网架空腹部份形成一良好的设备层;上弦带板,既可作屋面又可作楼面,使板架合一;无防锈蚀问题,特别是有酸、碱作用及潮湿环境的建筑,更显示其优越性;对于柱网较大(如12×12;18×18等)的多层房屋,其适应性强;结构的力学性能好(如刚度、稳定性及抗震等)。在内力分析方面,我们采用了连续化与离散化两种力学模型的各种方法。并在此基础上设计建造了三个空腹网架结构,有作楼面的也有作屋面的,实践证明,它是一种良好的结构型式。 We studied and designed a new type of space plate grid structure. Abandoning the traditional method of using steel or steel as the material and adopting the assembly of reinforced concrete members; breaking the traditional concept of plane indeterminate truss cross-composition net frame system, adopting the statically indeterminate fast-web rigid frame cross-composition flat mesh The new concept of the system: In manufacturing, prefabrication plants are used to manufacture small assembly units, and new processes using prestressed or non-prestressed structures are used on site to provide a good guarantee for structural standardization, finalization, and plant engineering. This new structure also has many characteristics: economic cost, in addition to reducing the amount of steel, the more important thing is to use ordinary steel instead of the higher price of steel and steel; whether the grid is orthogonal or oblique, Only two rods are connected at the site to simplify the installation process; no diagonal webs are formed, and the net overhead abdomen forms a good equipment layer; the upper chord board can be used as a roof or a floor, so that the board frames can be combined. There is no anti-corrosion problem, especially in buildings with acid and alkali effects and moist environment, but also shows its superiority; for multi-storey houses with large column nets (such as 12×12; 18×18, etc.), its adaptability is strong. The mechanical properties of the structure are good (such as stiffness, stability and seismic resistance, etc.). In terms of internal force analysis, we have adopted various methods of continuous and discrete two mechanical models. On this basis, we designed and built three empty-web grid structures, one for the floor and the other for the roof. Practice has shown that it is a good type of structure.
1 病历简介患者,女,67岁.4个月前无意中发现右颊有一杏核大小肿块,不觉疼痛及其他不适,随后逐渐增大,故入院诊治.体检:体温37℃,脉搏78次/min,血压24/13kPa,全身浅表淋巴结未
目的紫杉烷联合铂类及氟尿嘧啶类联合铂类均是食管癌的标准治疗方案,但二者之间的优劣尚不明确。本研究旨在应用荟萃分析方法比较紫杉烷联合铂类(taxane plus platinum,TP)与