加强技术创新 推进现代化建设

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在世纪交替之年,中共浙江省委和省政府于五月下旬在杭州召开全省技术创新大会,动员全省上下进一步认清形势,理清思路,加快实施科教兴省战略,加快推进技术创新和高新技术产业化,加快浙江经济发展由量的扩张向质的提高转变,确保浙江提前基本实现代化。江泽民总书记多次说过:“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”最近,他在“两院”院士大会上的讲话中又强调指出:“科学的本质就是创新”,“推进科技发展,关键要敢于和善于创新。有没有创新能力,能不能进行创新,是当今世界范围内经 In the turn of the century, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the provincial government held a provincial technology innovation conference in Hangzhou in late May to mobilize the entire province to further understand the situation, clarify the thinking, speed up the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the province through science and education, and accelerate the promotion of technological innovation Industrialization of high-tech industries, speed up the economic development of Zhejiang Province from the expansion of the quantity to the improvement of quality, and ensure that Zhejiang will basically realize its modernization ahead of schedule. General Secretary Jiang Zemin has said many times: “Innovation is the soul of a nation and an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity and development of a country.” Recently, in his speech to the “two academies” assembly session, he emphasized: “The essence of science is Innovation ”," to promote the development of science and technology, the key to be courageous and good at innovation. There is no ability to innovate, can not be innovative, is today in the world
随着经济的发展,教学理念的转变,多媒体辅助教学已成为当代教育中的一种有效手段,恰当地使用多媒体教学,能有效地利用图形、图像、文本、声音、动画等多种 With the develop
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