The parasitism in the privet, lobular privet female bodyworm weight and fecundity of the correlation analysis, concluded that the most significant correlation between body weight and fecundity, the most simple and practical use of body weight to predict the amount of eggs, the relevant equation Y = -527.23 + 51948.73x. The onset temperature and the effective accumulated temperature of eggs to nymphs and the nystagmus nymphs were measured by natural temperature change, respectively, C1 = 10.64 ± 2.03 (℃), K1 = 531.92 ± 84.13 (DD) , C2 = 10.69 ± 0.44 (° C), K2 = 151.87 ± 4.08 (DD). Use this method to predict the occurrence of simple, and more realistic.