Some obligate anaerobic organisms have natural resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics. In order to explore this resistance mechanism, the authors selected two obligate anaerobic bacteria (Clostridium perfringens UACp-1, Bacteroides fragilis UABf-1) for the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), cell-free system amino acids The incorporation of antibiotics and ribosomes, the inactivation of enzymes, the amount of antibiotics entering the bacterial cells, and the detection of quinones and cytochromes in the bacteria. In some tests, Escherichia coli K12SA1306 and its streptomycin-resistant variety SA1306Strr were also used as controls. For MIC determination, BHISB supplemented with mannose broth (BHIB) and mannose supplemented with menaquinone (heme) were used. In addition, Haaris and Reddy semi-synthetic medium supplemented with supplements (methemoglobin Mannitol, melem, mannitol, and fumarate). Under anaerobic conditions, both test tubes and paper for testing. The experimental results show that: C. perfringens, cultured in four pairs of medium