我采访了两个多月,没有人承认自己是富人,也没有人愿意透露自己的住处,更没有人愿意讲诉牵涉太多朋友太多名人的圈内故事。无奈之余只好网上撒帖,希望能从大伙热闹的讨论中找到一点线索,结果只有一个网民回应:“富人是什么模样,看看赖昌星就知道了!”这仇恨的态度,这仇恨的语气,让人哭笑不得。难怪没有人敢承认自己是富人。 毕竟在中国文化的土壤中,还没完全培育出对待财富的正确观念,又经过了十年文革“极左”思潮过分的“红色洗礼”,传统文化的断层使人们还来不及审视这一细节。改革开放后鱼目混珠,太多
I interviewed more than two months, no one admitted that they are rich, no one is willing to disclose his residence, but no one is willing to tell too many friends involved too many celebrities in the story. I had no choice but to online spit posts, hoping to find some clues from the lively discussion of everyone, the result is only one Internet users responded: “What the rich look like, see Lai Changxing know!” This hatred of this hatred of tone , People dumbfounding. No wonder no one dared to admit that they are rich. After all, in the soil of Chinese culture, the correct concept of treating wealth has not yet been fully cultivated. After a decade of excessive “red banquet” of the “Leftist” ideological trend of the Cultural Revolution, the failure of traditional culture has yet to examine this detail. After the reform and opening up, there are too many fish