Japanese love to drink sake. Just say a “wine” word, usually refers to this wine, alcohol content fifteen degrees up and down. Sake has “Xin Kou” “Gan mouth” of the points, Wen Wen Sheng Yi, “Xin knock p spicy some,” sweet “is made sweet.Therefore, the extension of the pen tip spicy called” Xin Kou “, but to the high letter more known as” exciting “ , Was spicy plus. Live high in 1945, Kee Hing after graduating from college as a high school teacher, and later edited magazine, his recuperation as an economic critic in 1982. His penchant for mercy, Extremely incapable of doing things, sharp criticism of Japanese society, simply put the people and culture of the set called ”cut the book cut people.“ To suffer ”cut“ mostly recognized as first-class entrepreneurs, In fact, it is not only a commentator in the economic fiction, but also an author in the field of economic fiction.However, But he does not devalue, often refers to the fact that people do things, is not literary, is to use the novel to criticize the ”corporate society of Japan.“ Was his ”chopped“ over Masaru Tanawa said: ”I heard the economic novel, immediately remembered Is not the name of the author, it touches on your position, reputation is not small, especially recently in various magazines Very active mile. "