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近10年来,柔性版印刷在国外特别是在美国和欧洲发展很快,已在包装印刷领域占主导地位。柔性版印刷适印的材料广泛,无污染,且比较经济。随着高精度激光雕刻陶瓷网纹辊、高分辨力柔性感光树脂版、高精度柔印油墨和高档柔印机的不断发展,柔印正成为印刷业一个新的热点,柔印也是目前包装印刷领域中最具活力的印刷方式之一。 最近几年,国内柔印的发展也较活跃,仅从国外引进的较高档次的柔印机就已超过了100台套,这些先进设备的投产,结束了过去国内柔印只能印简单产品的历史,也改变了人们对柔印的认识,推动了我国柔印技术的进步,促进了国内柔印设备及器材工业的发展。 In the past 10 years, flexographic printing has developed rapidly in foreign countries, especially in the United States and Europe, and has dominated the field of packaging and printing. Flexographic printing is suitable for a wide range of materials, no pollution, and economical. With the continuous development of high-precision laser-engraving ceramic anilox rollers, high-resolution flexible photosensitive resin plates, high-precision flexo inks, and high-end flexo presses, flexo printing is becoming a new hot spot in the printing industry. Flexo printing is also the current packaging printing. One of the most dynamic printing methods in the field. In recent years, the development of domestic flexo printing has also been more active. Only higher-grade flexo presses imported from abroad have exceeded 100 sets. The production of these advanced equipment has ended the past. Domestic flexo printing can only print simple products. The history has also changed people’s understanding of flexo printing, promoted the progress of our country’s flexo printing technology, and promoted the development of domestic flexo printing equipment and equipment industry.
美国国家半导体公司(National Semiconductor Corporation)近日宣布该公司与Tut Systems已签订一项技术授权协议。按照该协议,美国国家半导体获Tut Systems授权使用其HomeRu
东南亚的金融危机对标签印刷业也产生了影响,因而有人预言今年标签业增幅会下降。然而,更多的印刷者把它当作一个养精蓄锐的机会,借机增添高附加值的生产装 The financial
根据我国造纸市场形势调查,1998年造纸的主要品种市场分析如下: 一、新闻出版用纸。1998年需求量100万吨左右。国内产新闻纸约达105万吨。由于1997年我国进口新闻纸40.1万吨
由华港国际展览有限公司和国家新闻出版署,中国印刷物资公司合办的第二届国际印刷设备及器材展览PRINT EXPO ’98将于1998年6月9—13日假中国国际展览中心举行。经过近两年