油松球果小卷蛾(Gravitarmata margarotana Hein.)、油松球果螟(Dioryctria mendacella Stgr.)、松梢螟(D.splendidella H.S.)是油松上三种重要害虫。在陕西分布广泛而危害严重,尤其在桥山林区,连年猖獗成灾,极其严重的影响森林更新及造林用种。但是,这几种虫由于体形小和隐蔽的生活方式,过去研究较少,特别是前两种国内迄今尚无正式报导,因而在实际工作中,不易分辨,往往出现张冠李戴的混乱现象,影响数据精确度和结论的正确性,甚或使防治工作带有一定的盲目性。为了便于今后进一步研究和防治,现将这三种害虫的主要外部形态和为害征状分述以供参考。
Gravitarmata margarotana Hein., Dioryctria mendacella Stg. And D. splendidella H.S. are the three most important pests on Pinus tabulaeformis. It is widely distributed in Shaanxi and seriously endangered. Especially in Qiaoshan forest area, rampant catastrophes in recent years have caused extremely serious impacts on forest regeneration and afforestation. However, due to the small size and hidden lifestyles of these insects, there have been few studies in the past. In particular, the first two types of domestic insects have so far not been formally reported so far. Therefore, in actual work, they are not easily discernible and often lead to confusion in data and data Accuracy and conclusions of the correctness, or even make prevention and control work with a certain degree of blindness. In order to facilitate further research and control in the future, the main external morphological and pest symptoms of the three pests are now described for reference.