牛蛙原产北美,是蛙类中仅次于非洲林溪蛙的大型食用蛙,因其鸣叫声宏亮酷似牛叫,故名牛蛙。牛蛙的营养非常丰富,味道鲜美,备受人们的喜爱。牛蛙养殖最早是19世纪末在美国东部及加利福尼亚州兴起的,目前几乎遍及世界各地。我国牛蛙养殖始于30年代。 1962年我国又从古巴引进一批牛蛙,分别放养于云南、广东、湖南、浙江、天津、上海等地,经过20~30年的繁殖与驯化,牛蛙已完
Bullfrog originated in North America, is a frog after only a large forest frog Edible Frog, because its loud cry resembles bovine cattle, hence the name bullfrog. Bullfrog nutrition is very rich, delicious, much people’s favorite. Bullfrog farming was first established in the eastern United States and California at the end of the 19th century and is now spread all over the world. Bullfrog culture in China began in the 30s. In 1962, China introduced another group of bullfrogs from Cuba and stocked them in Yunnan, Guangdong, Hunan, Zhejiang, Tianjin and Shanghai, respectively. After 20-30 years of breeding and domestication, the bullfrog was finished