科特迪瓦简况 科特迪瓦共和国原译名象牙海岸,面积32.2万平方公里,位于非洲西部,东邻加纳,西接几内亚和利比里亚,北连马里和布塞纳法索,南濒大西洋几内亚湾。科人口1390万,其中农村人口占60%。法语为官方语言,货币为“非洲法郎”(FAC500非洲法郎=1美元)。政治首都亚穆索克罗,人口12万,经济首都阿比让,人口200多万,是科政治、经济、文化中心和交通枢纽。 科特迪瓦于1946年成为法兰西海外领地,1960年8月7日宣告独立,同年9月20日被接纳为联合国成员国。 由于科特迪瓦过去是法国殖民地,所以现在的政
Ivory Coast Brief introduction The Republic of Ivory Coast The original translation of the Ivory Coast, an area of 322,000 square kilometers, is located in western Africa, east of Ghana, west of Guinea and Liberia, north of Mali and the Busse Faso, south of the Atlantic Ocean Gulf of Guinea. The population of 13.9 million, of which 60% of the rural population. French is the official language and the currency is “CFA francs” (FAC500 CFA = $ 1). The political capital of Yamoussoukro, a population of 120,000, the capital of Abidjan, the population of more than 200 million, is the political, economic and cultural center and transport hub. Côte d’Ivoire became an overseas French territory in 1946, became independent on August 7, 1960 and was admitted to the United Nations on September 20 of the same year. As Côte d’Ivoire used to be a French colony, the current government