自从人类出现在地球上的同时,音乐也跟着来到了人间。从一开始,人们就把音乐作为表达思想感情的手段,而倾注到生活的各个环节。所以说,音乐是人类的一种本能活动。本能活动所产生的自然形态的音乐,随伴着人类的物质生活与精神生活的渐渐发展,也一步步地脱离了初始的自然形态,走向成长的道路,在不断地艺术实践和艺术创作中,积累经验,丰富自己,创造出各种各样、特点独具的音乐文化。 音乐经过一代又一代的发展,趋于多样化、深刻
Since the appearance of mankind on earth, music has also come to earth. From the beginning, people regard music as a means to express their thoughts and feelings and devote themselves to all aspects of life. So, music is an instinct of mankind. Natural forms of music produced by instinctual activities, along with the gradual development of human material and spiritual life, step by step out of the initial natural form and the path of growth. In the continuous practice of art and artistic creation, the accumulation of Experience, enrich themselves and create a wide range of unique music culture. After a generation of music development, tends to be diverse and profound