大润发在大卖场业态确实做到了当之无愧地中国市场第一,无论是沃尔玛、家乐福还是麦德龙,在中国市场都难望其项背。但2014年上线的飞牛网要想做到其在大卖场业态上的同样辉煌,放到传统商业的线上业务来讲,或许还有机会,但放大到电商领域,至少从目前来说,这几乎是一个很难完成的任务。根据专注零售和购物者研究咨询机构Kantar Retail发布的2015年度中国电商力量综合实力排行榜单,京东、天猫与1号店位列三甲,第三超出第四名将近50个百分点,而飞牛网离榜单上最像竞争对手的1号店的业绩还有很大的距
RT-Mart format in the supermarkets did indeed deserve the first Chinese market, whether it is Wal-Mart, Carrefour or Metro, in the Chinese market are hard to find their own back. However, in order to achieve the same glory of its supermarkets in 2014, the online shopping company Niu Niu may still have opportunities to expand into the field of e-commerce, at least for the moment This is almost a difficult task. According to the 2015 Overall Ranking of Strength of China’s E-Commerce Power Companies released by Kantar Retail, a retail and shopper research consultancy, Jingdong, Tmall and No.1 ranked the top three, while the third exceeded the fourth by nearly 50 percentage points while the fourth Cattle from the list most like competitors’ No. 1 store performance is still a great distance