Ore industry grade index problems, mining is therefore one of the basic issues in geological exploration work. Used for many years in our country, it is a “two index system” consisting of the boundary grade and the lowest industrial grade. In recent years, there have been some discussions on its shortcomings at home and abroad and ways to reform it. The article by A.M. Margoling and Л.П. Burdow, described below, is one of them. The revisionist economic point of view in the article mainly advocates starting from the wholesale price instead of unifying the state plan and the accounting price to determine the industrial grade index. This is actually a stimulus to production with the profits from selling the products at wholesale prices, rather than adjusting production with socialist economic programs and not with political commander-in-chief. This is what we are going to oppose. Since there is no necessary link between this issue and the grade index system, the problem can be both eliminated and eliminated irrespective of the type of index system (including the two index system). Therefore, as long as we deal with the problems of price and profit separately, it is worth our attention to the article’s analysis of the shortcomings of the “two index system” and the idea of reforming it.