Female patient, 33 years old, pregnant 4 3, to 24 weeks after menopause, requiring induction of labor admission. Past three pregnancies are smooth, the last two years before pregnancy. Obstetric examination, the palace height 23cm, abdominal circumference 86cm, longitudinal head position, fetal heart rate 130 beats / min, weak, three days before induction of oral diethylstilbestrol 5mg3 times / day, vitamin B_620mg3 times / day. On the 4th day, rivanol 100mg was injected into the abdominal wall by amniocentesis. No contractions were observed in 76h. On the 10th day after the second amniotic injection rivanol 100mg, 38h after the regular contraction, continuous 6h cervix still not open, so the line inserted into the catheter on the 8th left for 8h, but the cervix has not opened large, 4h after vaginal examination, Palace