目前许多优良芒果品种都采用实生繁殖方法。方法简便,繁殖量大,且较能稳定母本的遗传性,后代适应性强。现将技术要求介绍如下。 1 种子的采收及处理采收的种子要求种纯、饱满、无病虫害。采收种子时先除去果肉,用清水洗净果核,再用尖刀从果核背面靠近核尖的凹点入手把核壳破开,避免碰伤胚。种子去硬壳后还有两层极薄的种皮,外层为灰白色,蜡质,内层为褐色,应注意保留。将种子播
At present, many excellent mango varieties adopt the method of real-life reproduction. The method is simple, breeding large, and more able to stabilize the inheritance of the female parent, offspring adaptability. Now the technical requirements are as follows. 1 seed collection and processing of seed harvest requirements of pure, full, no pests. Harvest the seeds to remove the flesh, wash the fruit with water, and then use a sharp knife from the back of the kernel near the pits of the pits to start breaking the nucleocapsid to avoid bumps embryo. After the seeds go hard shell there are two layers of very thin seed coat, the outer layer is gray, waxy, the inner layer is brown, should pay attention to retain. Seeding seeds