材料变革的新时代,对新型材料的痴迷和狂热追求,使人们从某种程度上忽略了一些传统乡土材料的存在价值。墨西哥青年设计师Fernanndo Laposse的丝瓜纤维家居产品系列却用全新的概念阐释了老式天然乡土材料——丝瓜纤维的新魅力。文章将通过设计修辞法对Fernanndo作品的解读,反思在新的时代背景下,传统乡土材料所具有的独特设计价值、市场价值和人文价值。
The new era of material change, the obsession and fanatical pursuit of new materials have made people to some extent neglected the existence value of some traditional local materials. Mexican young designer Fernanndo Laposse’s loofah fiber home product line has a new concept with a new interpretation of the natural old native material - the new charm of loofah fiber. The article will interpret Fernanndo’s works through the rhetoric of design and reflect on the unique design value, market value and humane value of traditional local materials in the new era background.