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七月下旬党校系统西南、中南校刊研讨会在贵阳召开.来自我国西南、中南十三所省、市党校分管校刊工作的副校长或校刊编辑部负责人及贵州省委党校党委书记副校长黄汉林、副校长李恒仁、周永新、谌贻琴和校刊全体同志共计60余人出席会议.中央党校组织部副部长崔津秀出席会议并讲话.会议期间,中共贵州省委副书记王思齐及组织部、宣传部领导到会看望了全体代表.王思齐同志作了重要讲话.这次会议主要是学习领会江总书记在纪念中国共产党成立75周年座谈会上的重要讲话,交流各校办刊经验,坚持以科学的理论武装人、以正确的舆论引导人、以高尚的精神塑造人、以优秀的作品鼓舞人,为宣传贯彻好今年四季度将召开的十四届六中全会精神作必要准备.贵州省委副书记王思齐同志在讲话中强调指出:党校校刊是党校理论学习、研究与交流的阵地,校刊工作也是党校工作的一个重要方面.学习宣传、研究马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想特别是邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论,是党校的重要职责.办好党校校刊,不仅有助于理论学习、宣传和研究,而且有助于党校教师队伍素质的提高,有助于党校的教育和改革.我们相信通过这次会议,必将有力推动中南、西南各省区党校校刊工作,使校刊工作跨上一个新的台阶. In late July, a seminar was held in Guiyang about the southwest and south-central campus of the party school system, with vice presidents or chief editors of the editorial department of the provincial Party schools in the southwest and central-south China and Huang Lianlin, vice president president of the Party committee and secretary of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Vice presidents Li Hengren, Zhou Yongxin, Chen Yiqin and all the journalists attended the conference in total. Cui Jinxiu, vice minister of Organization Department of the Central Party School, attended and addressed the meeting. During the meeting, Wang Siji, deputy secretary of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and head of the organizing department and propaganda department Will visit all the representatives, and Comrade Wang Sizhi made an important speech, mainly to learn and understand the important speech made by General Secretary Jiang on the forum for commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, to exchange experience in running the schools and to adhere to the theory of science People, guide people with correct public opinion, shape people with noble spirit, inspire people with outstanding works and make necessary preparations for propaganda and implementation of the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee to be held in the fourth quarter of this year. Wang Ziji, Deputy Secretary of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee In his speech, the comrade emphasized: The school’s school magazine is the front for the study, research and exchange of party school theory. The school magazine Work is also an important aspect of the work of the Party School.It is an important duty for the Party School to study and publicize and study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and especially Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.Having done a good job of the school’s academic journals not only helps in theoretical study, publicity and It is also conducive to the improvement of the quality of the party school teachers and the education and reform of the party school.We believe that through this meeting, it is bound to vigorously promote the work of the school publications of the party schools in central and southern and southwestern provinces and to make the work of the school magazine step onto a new Stairs.
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