超标噪音是当前节奏快速、技术发达社会的副产品,也是一种人们很少论及的、影响健康的危害。德国联邦环境部认为,耳聋是主要工业危害之业。 据波恩《莱茵商业报》近期一文称:市场研究表明,每三个德国人中有一个受到交通噪音的干扰,42%的人受到飞机起飞与降落噪音的打扰,这种噪音现在已超过15年前所记录水平的30倍;9%的人受到建筑工地噪音的干扰。
Excessive noise is a by-product of the current fast-paced and technologically advanced society and also a harms hitherto infrequently affected by people. German Federal Ministry of Environment believes that deafness is the main industry hazard. According to a recent article in Bonn, the Rhine Business newspaper, market research shows that one out of every three Germans is disturbed by traffic noise and 42% are disturbed by aircraft take-off and landing noise, which is now over 15 years 30 times the previous record level; 9% were disturbed by construction site noise.