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库休克维吾尔族库休克是古老手工技艺的产物,这种精美的手工技艺由勤劳的柯坪人民祖祖辈辈传承至今。库休克保留了柯坪的地方特色,与自治区其他地方生产的库休克有着明显的区别,它是由自然杏木制成,制作中未添加任何化学成分,属纯天然手工制成品。库休克是维吾尔语,意为“木勺”。当地少数民族有用它吃饭、喝汤的习惯,由于勺子是用木头做成的,使用起来不会烫手,库休克就成了维族人们厨房里最受欢迎的餐具。库休克主要用于吃饭,还可在麦西来甫中与其他民族乐器一起弹奏。 Library Shock Uygur library Shock is the product of the ancient handmade skills, this exquisite handmade skills by the industrious Keping people inherit so far from generation to generation. Kuhcock retains the local features of Keping and distinguishes itself from Kuh-Shok produced elsewhere in the autonomous region. It is made of natural apricot and has no added chemical ingredients. It is a purely natural hand-made product. Library shock is Uighur, meaning “wooden spoon ”. The local ethnic minorities have the habit of eating and drinking soup. Since the spoon is made of wood and will not be hot to use, Kushik has become the most popular tableware in the Uighur kitchen. Kuchuck is mainly used for eating, but it can also be played with other ethnic instruments in Macy’s.