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  the lowering of tariffs on a wide range of consumer goods will benefit foreign brands in the Chinese market, and in the long run will also give a boost to domestic producers.
  Effective as of this month, tariffs on products in 187 different categories including baby formula, diapers and cosmetics, will be reduced from 17.3 percent to 7.7 percent on average, whilst those currently imposed on certain types of baby formula and disposable diapers will be cut to zero, the Ministry of Finance said on November 24.
  The reduction will afford consumers cheaper access to those high quality and specialty products that cannot be produced at home in a bid to meet increasing domestic demand, the ministry said.
  The new plan echoes the government’s pledge to bolster imports, open up the domestic market, and establish more balanced foreign trade.
  The move will benefit companies such as Nestlé S.A. and Danone, as Chinese parents generally show a preference for foreign brands as a result of historical issues with domestic baby products.
  Research by GF Securities Co. Ltd. showed that foreign branded infant formula accounts for around 50 percent of the Chinese market.
  However, this figure is significantly higher in China’s fi rst- and second-tier cities where, according to, a Chinese market data provider, 73 percent of consumers in first-tier cities favor imported infant formula over domestic brands.
  Buoyed by the news, shares of Nestlé and Danone gained on the day the announcement was made.
  According to a Goldman Sachs report, China’s dairy industry sales look set to increase by around 15 percent, reaching 123 billion yuan($17 billion) by 2020.
  China plans to increase imports so as to both meet domestic demand and appease complaints about its massive trade surplus.
  As part of an effort to bolster imports, Wang Bingnan, Vice Minister of Commerce, promised fiscal and monetary policy support for lower tariffs on consumer goods, faster customs clearance and reduced paperwork.

  Since 2015, tariffs on imported consumer goods have been cut four times, with taxes on products in 152 categories reduced by an average of 50 percent.
  Analysts claim lower tariffs will encourage people to buy imported products at home instead of overseas, which will in turn boost domestic consumption.
  According to the World Tourism Organization, Chinese tourists spent $261 billion overseas in 2016, up 12 percent year on year. If one third of that total could be turned into domestic consumption, experts claim it could lift the contribution of consumption to the country’s GDP by 1 percentage point.   Whilst in the short term the new move may come as a blow to domestic producers, it means a likely improvement in quality and decrease in prices in the future.
  China’s domestic milk industry has never fully recovered its credibility following a wellpublicized scandal in 2008. Infant formula produced by the Sanlu Group, then a leading dairy company in north China’s Hebei Province, was found to be contaminated with the chemical melamine, resulting in the death of six infants and leaving thousands of others seriously ill.
  Reverberations from the incident were felt across the industry, and ultimately resulted in the improved production and delivery processes of domestic infant formula providers.
  The Dairy Association of China has said that 99.5 percent of dairy products checked in 2016 were up to standard, and no illegal additives, including melamine, had been detected in fresh milk for seven years.
  Yang Zhiyong, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the hope is that lower tariffs will bring good competition between domestic and foreign brands, which will, in turn, create opportunities for domestic producers.
【摘要】通过信托受益权方式腾挪,银行可以将同业资产实现变相授信,造成期限错配借短贷长,进而可能导致信贷调控效果下降。通过桥大资金流入银行同业资产。尤其是在过去金融资本投资中国银监会限制非标资产,显然属于信托受益非标准资产,会让这类资产增长放缓,本文对其运作模式进行解析并加以分析对宏观调控的影响。  【关键词】信托利益 同业 模式  一、引言  2011开始,银行信贷额度和杠杆作用,通过自有资金,以
《北京市生活垃圾管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)于2011年11月18日经北京市第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过,自2012年3月1日起实施 。《条例》的颁布实施,标志着北京市生活垃圾管理工作走上了法制之路。《条例》共分七章、69条,本刊特邀北京市市政市容管理委员会法制处就《条例》的立法思想和主要内容作详细解读。    一、《北京市生活垃圾管理条例》立法工作思路    按照“人文北京
【摘要】本文主要研究分析“西电东送”跨省售电项目中,在售电方、输电方和购电方之间的税收分配体制。本报告在理论联系实际的情况下,采用理论分析、类比分析以及案例分析的方法,构建“西电东送”跨省增值税分配模型。  【关键词】西电东送 跨区域 税收分配  一、前言  (一)研究背景  “西电东送”是我国重要的能源战略决策。实施“西电东送”战略,为西部地区把资源优势转化为经济优势提供了新的历史机遇,为东部地
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