2000年6月19日,一位叫“高阳”的“神秘客”突然在北京中关村浮出水面。当时震惊“村里人”的不仅仅是它以1.2亿港币并购了一家在业内非常著名的、从事计算机系统集成的高科技企业,更让人瞠目的是它同时宣布:今后一两年间,将有一系列投资行动,涉及金额20亿港币。 此后有关“高阳”的消息屡见报端,媒体有兴趣地追踪着它的足迹,公众也由此得知:仅仅几个月,“高阳”已将北京金融信科技发展有限责任公司等4家公司收至麾下,而这些企业在国内金融、保险、电信等领域的资讯科技服务方面一直占据着很重要的地位,它们就是现在的高阳金信、百富科技、高阳金时力和高阳圣思园。 10月10日,“高阳”又以迅雷不及掩耳之势登陆西部大开发的桥头堡。 在西安“高阳”的大西北区办事处,记者怀着浓厚的兴趣采访了高阳有限公司亚太区总裁林洋,以下是我们的对话。
June 19, 2000, a “mysterious off” called “Goyang” Suddenly surfaced in Beijing’s Zhongguancun. At the time, it was not just that it stole the “village people” with its 120 million Hong Kong dollar acquisition of a very famous high-tech enterprise engaged in the integration of computer systems. Even more impressive is that it also announced that in the next year or two, there will be a Series of investment operations, involving the amount of 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. Since then, the news about Goyang has been frequently reported. The media is interested in tracking its footsteps. The public also learned that in just a few months, Goyang has transferred 4 companies including Beijing Financial Information Technology Development Co., Ltd. Received the command, and these enterprises in the domestic financial, insurance, telecommunications and other fields of information technology services has occupied a very important position, they are now the sun, Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs and Gao Yang St. Park . On October 10, “Goyang” landed on the bridgehead of western development with lightning speed. In Xi’an’s Northwest Office of Gaoyang, the reporter interviewed Lin Yang, Asia Pacific president of Goyang Co., Ltd. with a keen interest. Here is our dialogue.