经过一百五十余年的漫长岁月,香港终于要回归祖国了。香港离开祖国的艰苦与回归之路的艰难坎坷,再次证明,弱国无外交。 蒋介石屈服 兵至九龙无奈撤回 1840年至1998年,在英国军舰大炮的威逼下,满青政府被迫割让香港岛、九龙半岛,租借深圳以南、界(?)街以北的新界给英国,这沉沉的一页历史,压在中国
After more than 150 years of long years, Hong Kong will finally return to the motherland. The tough ups and downs of Hong Kong’s hard road to return to the motherland and its return to the road again prove that the weak countries have no diplomacy. Chiang Kai-shek gave orders to Kowloon but was withdrawn From 1840 to 1998, under the intimidation of British naval artillery, the Manchu government was forced to cede Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula and rented the New Territories south of Shenzhen and north of Boundary (?) Street to Britain, This dull page history, pressure on China