为区分各种焊接模拟方法的适用性以及统一模拟的先决条件和步骤,用户需要相关的标准。由于目前在焊接模拟领域仍缺少相关的标准化文件,因此,德国标准化学会筹建了焊接模拟NA 092-00-29 AA标准委员会,对焊接模拟标准化文件开展准备性的工作。此委员会同时隶属于德国焊接学会“焊接模拟应用”工作组。从长远角度看,标准化工作的任务是准备一个涵盖模拟各种焊接现象和过程的标准化流程草案。目前,焊接模拟委员会已完成此草案的前期工作,制定出一级文件的框架结构,明确焊接模拟的应用领域和关键术语。另外,还建立了普遍有效的模拟结构,可为客户和供应商之间制定、处理订单以及给初次接触焊接模拟的用户提供建议性服务。还介绍了新的标准化流程草案DIN SPEC 32534-1,对模拟的主要步骤作出解释;并将二级文件按照焊接过程和所需的模拟结果进行分类。最后,介绍了焊接模拟NA 092-00-29-AA委员会的其他工作和焊接模拟标准化的国际化工作。
To distinguish the applicability of various welding simulation methods and the prerequisites and steps for uniform simulation, the user needs the relevant standards. Due to the current lack of relevant standardization documents in the area of welding simulation, the German Institute of Standards and Design established the Welding Simulation NA 092-00-29 AA Standards Committee to conduct preparatory work on welding simulation standardization documents. This committee also belongs to the German Welding Society “welding simulation application ” working group. In the long run, the task of standardization is to prepare a standardized process draft covering simulations of various welding phenomena and processes. At present, the welding simulation committee has completed the preliminary work of this draft and formulated the framework of the first-level document to clarify the application fields and key terms of welding simulation. In addition, a universally valid simulation structure has been established that provides constructive services to customers and suppliers who formulate, process orders and give initial contact with welding simulations. A new draft standardized procedure, DIN SPEC 32534-1, is also introduced to explain the main steps of the simulation and to classify the secondary documents according to the welding process and the required simulation results. Finally, the welding simulation NA 092-00-29-AA committee’s other work and welding simulation standardization of internationalization are introduced.