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从上世纪90年代起至今,韩剧以经年不衰之势,已经征服了且还地征服着中国大批不同年龄层的观众。“韩流”涌动已经成为中国流行时尚的表征之一。而在中国形成“韩流”的首要功臣是电视连续剧。韩国文化观光部称韩国政府把中国大陆看作韩流文化产品最有潜力的市场,正大力推进韩国文化产品进入中国市场。韩国外交通商部指出,到2010年,韩国要力争占到中国文化商品市场10%的份额。 From the 90s of the last century to the present, the Korean drama has prevailed over the years, has conquered and also conquered a large audience of different age groups in China. The surging flow of the “Korean Wave” has become one of the hallmarks of Chinese fashion. The primary contributor to the formation of the “Korean Wave” in China is the television series. South Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that the South Korean government sees the Chinese mainland as the most potential market for Korean cultural products and is pushing ahead with the entry of Korean cultural products into the Chinese market. South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade pointed out that by 2010, South Korea will strive to account for 10% of the Chinese cultural commodity market.
患儿男,7 h,孕36+5W自然娩出,出生时体重2.1 kg,出生时即气促,全身青紫,生后Apgar1分钟评分为4分.体检:体温35.5℃,脉搏130次/min,呼吸56次/min,血压51/30 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa).双肺呼吸音低,双肺底可闻及痰鸣音,叩诊浊音,双侧胸廓饱满,吸气时锁骨上窝轻度凹陷.腹部平坦,肠鸣音减弱,无胃肠型,肝脾未触及。