
来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:metasearch
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1917年俄国十月革命的发生是历史的必然。然而,如何对这种必然性作出让人信服的论证呢?这问题似乎还可以再作推敲。到1917年10~11月间(公历),俄国革命形势已经锐不可挡,谁也不能阻拦住这样的历史洪流。这种人力无法扭转的历史走向,就是十月革命发生的历史必然性。也就是说,这场革命在当时是不可避免的,历史发展的必然性必须从那一时代的社会现实去揭示,而不在今日的一厢情愿。 The occurrence of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917 is a historical necessity. However, how can any convincing argument be made about this necessity? It seems that this issue can be further scrutinized. From October to November 1917 (Gregorian calendar), the Russian revolutionary situation has been overwhelming, and no one can stop such a torrent of history. The history that can not be reversed by manpower is the historical inevitability of the October Revolution. In other words, the revolution was inevitable at the time, and the inevitability of historical development must be revealed from the social reality of that era instead of the wishful thinking of today.