江西省精神病院创建于 195 6年 ,目前已由单一的传统精神科拓展为精神科、心理科、老年科、戒毒科等多学科并存的拥有药物、心理、物理、脑功能等多种治疗手段的大型专科医院 ,担负着全省精神疾病医疗、防治、教学、科研及司法鉴定、心理康复等任务 ,拥有床位 5 0 0张 ,高级职
Founded in 195 years ago, the Jiangxi Provincial Mental Hospital has been expanded from a single traditional psychiatry department to a multi-disciplinary coexistence of psychology, psychology, gerontology, and detoxification, and possesses a variety of treatments such as medicine, psychology, physics, and brain function. The large-scale specialist hospitals are responsible for tasks such as medical treatment, prevention and control, teaching, scientific research and forensic identification, and psychological rehabilitation of the province’s psychiatric diseases, with 500 beds and senior positions.