建国前后是解放战争中的一个特殊时期 ,这一时期出现了规模庞大的国民党军起义投诚事件 ,这些频繁而又大规模的国民党军起义投诚 ,不仅有其深刻的历史背景和原因 ,也有着与前期的起义投诚不同的特点 ,所起的作用也更重要。大批国民党军的起义投诚 ,是在“理”与“势”的双重震慑下作出的有利于民族 ,有利于人民的抉择。
Before and after the founding of the People’s Republic of China was a special period during the War of Liberation. During this period there emerged a large-scale Kuomintang army’s Uprising. These frequent and large-scale Kuomintang army rebuffs have not only profound historical background and causes, but also Pre-Uprising voted different characteristics, the role played by the more important. The large number of Kuomintang army’s uprising and surrender are the choices made in favor of the nation and the people in the double deterrent of “reason” and “potential.”