Study on the Basic Mechanical Behaviors of High Density Polyethylene Electrofusion Welded Joints at

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uan998
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The basic mechanical behaviors of high density polyethylene electrofusion welded joint at different temperatures were studied by using differently designed specimens in this paper. The results show that the strength of weld bonding plane is higher than that of the pipe and socket materials at room temperature. In order to get the shear strength of electrofusion welded joint, the effective bond lengths were reduced by cutting artificial groove through the socket. The effective bonding length of welded joint to get the shear strength is decreased with decreasing testing temperature. The shear strength and the sensibility to sharp notch of HDPE material increased with decreasing temperature. The basic mechanical behaviors of high density polyethylene electrofusion welded joint at different temperatures were studied by using designed designed specimens in this paper. The results show that strength of weld bonding plane is higher than that of the pipe and socket materials at room temperature. In the effective bonding length of welded joint to get the shear strength is decreased with decreasing testing temperature. The shear strength and the sensibility to sharp notch of HDPE material increased with decreasing temperature.
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