三弦的发展史学术界尚无定论,现仅就所见资料来探寻三弦发展历史。据资料表明,三弦起源于中华大地,萌芽于周秦,兴起于秦汉魏晋,发展于隋唐五代,成熟于宋元明,繁荣于清、现代。 弦应该是一种在修筑长城的漫长劳动过程中,逐渐形成的弹拨乐器,到秦末基本成型并开始流传,
The development history of Sanxian The academic circle is inconclusive. The history of the development of Sanxian is only explored based on the information we have seen. According to the data, Sanxian originated from the land of China and sprouted in Zhou Qin. It grew up in the Qin and Han Dynasties and the Wei and Jin Dynasties and developed in the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties. It matured in the Song and Yuan dynasties and flourished in the Qing and Qing dynasties. The string should be a kind of plucked instrument gradually formed in the long labor process of building the Great Wall. It was basically shaped and started to circulate to the end of Qin Dynasty,