1997年10月5日,国家环保局[(87)环规字第292号]首次颁布了我国的《城镇垃圾农用控制标准》,标准号GB8172—87。本标准从物理、卫生、重金属、养分等方面共制定出十五项标准限值:杂物<8%,粒度<12mm,蛔虫卵死亡率95—100%,大肠菌值10~(-1)—10~(-2),总镉(以Cd计)<8mg/ks,总汞(以Hg计)<5 mg/kg,总铅(以Pb计)<100mg/kg,总铬(以Cr计) <300mg/kg,总砷(以As计)<30mg/kg,有机质(以C计)>10%,总氮(以N计)>0.5%,总磷(以P_2O_5计)>0.3%,总钾(以K_2O计)>1.0%,pH6.5—8.5,水分含量25—35%。本文对上述各项指标的制定作了简要说明。
October 5, 1997, the State Environmental Protection Agency [(87) Ring Regulation No. 292] for the first time promulgated our “urban garbage agricultural control standards”, the standard number GB8172-87. This standard sets out 15 standard limits for physical, health, heavy metals and nutrients. The standard limits are 15% for debris, <12mm for debris, 95-100% for roundworm eggs and 10-1 for coliform bacteria. Total cadmium in Cd <8mg / ks, total mercury in Hg <5mg / kg, total lead in Pb <100mg / kg, total chromium in Cr Total nitrogen (calculated as As) <30 mg / kg, organic matter (as C)> 10%, total nitrogen (calculated as N)> 0.5%, total phosphorus (calculated as P 2 O 5)> 0.3% , Total potassium (calculated as K_2O)> 1.0%, pH6.5-8.5, moisture content 25-35%. This article gives a brief description of the above indicators.