Basic medical insurance belongs to the category of social insurance. Its main features are broad coverage and low security. It is implemented by means of national laws and administrative practices. The basic medical insurance provided to urban workers is only the most basic medical insurance and is limited to outpatient services within a certain amount. Hospital medical expenses, exceeding the limit, workers still need to own expense. Therefore, the mere participation of the basic medical insurance system will still be under-guaranteed if the current medical costs are generally too high. Commercial medical insurance is a kind of market operation, which is carried out according to the principle of voluntariness. When designing the types of medical insurance, the insurance companies have fully considered the individualized needs of medical insurance for all kinds of people, have rich insurance, more and less protection and pay There are high and low, units and individuals can be free to choose according to their health status and affordability, the insurance company will be in accordance with the terms of the insurance cash payment. Obviously, commercial medical insurance is a useful supplement to basic medical insurance.