与英国爱迪生和法国卢米埃尔兄弟同时代的历史学家大概做梦也不会想到:摄影机——这种不屑一顾的“魔镜”玩艺儿,竟会如此肆元忌惮而又不可抗拒地侵入被岁月尘埃和迷失记忆封存的领地。我们——无可选择地承载着文字和图像遗产的现代人,也正无可选择地遭际一个旧世纪的出口和一个新世纪的入口。当我们模仿着前辈历史学家的腔调追问“历史是什么”的时候,是不是同时也在下意识地摆弄前辈艺术家的姿态追问“电影是什么”? ——过去和现在。——表相和本真。——历史之重和生命中不能承受之轻……我们在解答生活的方程式吗?!
Historians of the same age as Edison and the Lumière brothers in France have probably never dreamed of the camera: this dismissive “magic mirror” is so irresistible Intrusion into the dust of the ages and the lost memory of the territory. We, the modern man, who indiscriminately carry the heritage of words and images, are also indisputably experiencing the exodus of an old century and the entrance of a new century. As we ask “what is history” when we imitate the tone of our predecessor historians, we ask “what is the film?” While subconsciously teasing the artists of the older generation? -the past and the present. - Table appearance and true. - The weight of history and the unbearable lightness of life ... Are we solving the equation of life ?!