原住民广播站“如果一个人没有敬畏感,对什么都不畏惧,那么就再也没有什么可以制衡的力量,做事情也不会负责任。”以上这句话是一位美国老警官谈反腐败时的原话,原住民最近对它特别有印象。“是什么让我一直不安?”每隔一段时间,这个问题都会萦绕在原住民头上。问题的答案,原住民心里很清楚,但一直不愿意正面解答,并为此而努力工作。你有没有想过自己害怕什么?不用回答,原住民只是在呓语罢了……联系请 mail 至 dagongluntan@163.com 或发信至广州市环市中路316号金鹰大厦6楼619室。
Aboriginal radio stations “If a person has no sense of awe, fear nothing, then there is no balance between power and responsibility for things to do.” The above sentence is an old American police officer talking back Aboriginal people were especially impressed with it when they were corrupt. “What makes me always upset?” Every once in a while, this question linger on the aborigines. The answer to the question is clear to Aboriginal people but has been unwilling to give a positive answer and work hard to that end. Have you ever wondered what you are afraid of? No answer, the aborigines are just saying nothing ... please contact dagongluntan@163.com or email to Room 619, 6th Floor, Golden Eagle Building, 316 Huanshizhong Middle Road, Guangzhou.