
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiyuhang99
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近年来我国冷链物流行业发展迅速,但目前的冷链设施和冷链装备不足,冷链有关硬件设施虽然建设速度发展较快,但仍然无法匹配目前农副产品冷链物流的缺口。近年来涌现了一批代表先进制冷技术和储运技术的单层钢结构装配式冷库,主要使用方为国内外大型食品供应商和高标准的第三方冷链物流运营单位。下文将装配式外保温冷库划分物流设备设施和维护结构这两大部分进行论述。 In recent years, China’s cold chain logistics industry has developed rapidly, but the current cold chain facilities and cold chain equipment, cold chain hardware facilities although the rapid development of the construction speed, but still can not match the current agricultural cold chain logistics gap. In recent years, a number of single-layer steel structure-mounted cold storage systems have emerged that represent advanced refrigeration technology and storage and transportation technologies. Major users are major domestic and foreign food suppliers and high-standard third-party cold chain logistics operation units. The following will be assembled outside the thermal insulation cold storage logistics facilities and maintenance of these two major parts of the structure are discussed.
今年,酷爱养鸟的叔叔得了一只聪明伶俐的鹦鹉,他非常喜欢,只要稍有闲暇,就会流连在鹦鹉笼子跟前,逗弄鹦鹉或者教它说话。  这样过了一段时间后,一天,叔叔发现鹦鹉生病了——它常常咳嗽,而且声音浑浊难听,喉咙里好像塞满了痰。  莫非鹦鹉也会感冒?  叔叔急忙请假带鹦鹉去看兽医。一番细致的检查后,发现鹦鹉竟然完全健康。  可是那些病征该如何解释呢?兽医望闻问切,仔细推敲,终于找到了原因——原来,常跟鹦鹉在