鸦片贸易合法化以后, 鸦片税收用于各项新政事业, 创建海军就是其中之一。庚子以后,重兴海军呼声渐高, 海军经费筹措的希望寄托在对鸦片税的整顿上。1906年开始的禁绝鸦片运动却使得海军经费筹措的进程受阻。1908年清廷虽降旨重兴海军, 但经费迟迟不能筹措到位。清廷内部、各省督抚和民间人士之间, 围绕速兴和缓办海军, 歧见迭出, 纠纷不断, 概见鸦片禁政对海军兴复的复杂影响。
After the legalization of opium trade, the opium tax was used in various new political undertakings and the establishment of the navy was one of them. After the Boxer, the revival of the navy’s voice was on the rise. The hope of naval financing was pinpointed on the rectification of the opium tax. The campaign of opium oppression, begun in 1906, has hampered the process of naval financing. Although the Qing court reduced the Navy in 1908, funding was delayed for the delay. The complicated influence of the opium embezzlement on the recovery of the navy is summarized in the Qing court, between provincial governors and non-governmental personalities, around the idea of speeding up and slowing down the navy.