地处黄海北端的刘公岛面积3.15平方公里,以“天然水寨”之形横亘于威海湾内,与辽东半岛的旅顺避遥相对,共扼渤海门户,战略地位十分重要。一百多年前,大清海军的英粹精华——北洋海军的提督衙门即海军公所就设在这里。随着甲午战争的失败,刘公岛更为世人所瞩目。 1874年,日本发兵入侵台湾,清政府鉴于海防空虚,决定筹办海防。1888年10月3日,清政府批
Located at the north end of the Yellow Sea, Liugong Island covers an area of 3.15 km2 and is located in Weihai Bay in the shape of “Nature Shizhai”. It is strategically important to share with the Bohai Sea gateway. More than a hundred years ago, the Essence of the Great Qing navy, the navy’s admiral Yamen, the Naval Office, was set up here. With the failure of the Sino-Japanese War, Liu Gong Island attracted more people’s attention. In 1874, Japan sent troops to invade Taiwan. In view of the empty sea defense, the Qing government decided to organize a coastal defense. October 3, 1888, the Qing government approved