7月份时逢小暑、大暑节气 ,日照强 ,气温高 ,是一年中最炎热的月份。盆土水分蒸发快 ,植物蒸腾作用强 ,加上植株的旺盛生长 ,需水量较多。所以 ,7月盆花的浇水管理是关键。7月盆花的浇水要做到及时合理。合理浇水应根据各种花卉的生活习性和植株的大小确定每天浇水次数和浇
July every summer, summer weather, strong sunshine, high temperatures, is the hottest month of the year. Pond soil moisture evaporates quickly, strong transpiration of plants, coupled with the vigorous growth of plants, water demand more. Therefore, the water management of potted plants in July is the key. July potted water to be timely and reasonable. Reasonable watering should be based on the habits of various flowers and plant size to determine the number of daily watering and pouring