乳腺癌病人当腋下淋巴结未见转移时,其预后较好,但如有远处转移,后果就较悲观了。介于这两者之间的是淋巴结转移的病人。腋下淋巴结输出管中有瘤细胞叫做输出管侵犯(EVI)。作者在本文中介绍了有EVI 记录的112名乳腺癌病人10年的随访情况,发现FVI 阳性患者10年存活率为1T%,EVI 阴性患者10年存活率为54%。文章还回顾了Hartveit1979年的一组病例,EVI 阴性者术后5年80%生存,EVI 阳性者80%死亡。
When breast cancer patients have no metastases in the axillary lymph nodes, their prognosis is good, but if there is distant metastasis, the consequences are more pessimistic. Between these two are lymph node metastases. A tumor cell in the output tube of the axillary lymph node is called an EVI. In this article, the authors describe the 10-year follow-up of 112 breast cancer patients with EVI records. The 10-year survival rate of FVI-positive patients was 1 T%, and the 10-year survival rate of EVI-negative patients was 54%. The article also reviewed a series of cases in Hartveit in 1979. EVI-negative patients survived 80% after 5 years and 80% of EVI-positive patients died.