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高频感应加热粘结法:它适用于导电性好的物体(如金属、混入金属粒屑的塑料等)。它的原理如下:把感应线圈卷在被粘结的物体上,或放在被粘结的物体附近,由于电磁感应作用,使导电体内产生涡电流(即感应电流),通过涡电流损耗或磁滞损耗,使导电体内部发热,这部分热量就被利用来进行粘结。例图1:1和2为需要被粘结的塑料另件,在另件2中已预先混入金属粒屑。把另件2按图1所示镶嵌入另件1中,然后把高频感应加热线圈3配置在镶嵌 High-frequency induction heating bonding method: It is suitable for good conductive objects (such as metal, mixed with metal pellets, etc.). Its principle is as follows: the induction coil is wrapped in the object being bonded, or placed in the vicinity of the object being bonded, due to electromagnetic induction, the eddy current (ie, induced current), through the eddy current loss or magnetic Hysteresis loss, so that the internal conductor heat, this part of the heat is used to bond. Example Figure 1: Parts 1 and 2 are plastic parts that need to be bonded. In part 2, metal pellets are pre-mixed. The other piece 2 shown in Figure 1 inlaid into the other piece 1, and then the high-frequency induction heating coil 3 is arranged inlaid
“哎呀,他无药可救了。”我们都在背后偷偷议论一个人,他就是我们班上的“蜗牛先生”——胡心睿。  “哎呀,这题怎么做呀?发功!发功——”一听到这声音,就已经能够想象到胡心睿那可怜兮兮的样子了。只见他嘴里咬着铅笔头,手撑着下巴,眼睛眯成了一条缝,在苦思冥想呢!“哎呀,就是你把笔头咬烂了也想不出来的!还是别咬了吧!”我苦口婆心地劝他。谁知胡心睿却像兔子啃萝卜一样,“嘎吱嘎吱”地啃起笔头来。我一把拔掉铅笔